
Showing posts from May, 2013


And so it begins. The Seniors are gone, graduated, off to bigger things. Cue the slogans spelled with numbers (stay c14ssy, etc.). Schedule your senior pictures. Start applying to colleges. It's all happening. Maybe I'm a bit prideful to be writing about the beginning of the class of 2014, when all the graduating seniors today probably have unexplainable feelings of anticipation and unknown. Today's really their day, their commencement. Congratulations to all the seniors who are moving on. You will all certainly be missed. That's life. Change is inevitable in any situation. As anticipation fills the outgoing class, excitement enters the new upperclassmen, fear strikes incoming juniors, and a myriad of feelings occur. Change is inevitable. We get so ingrained in our repetitive ways of life, that change is difficult to deal with. But every change brings a new beginning, whether it be a new grade, school, job, family, friendship, or anything. Change brings opportunit


     With any thing in life, there are two ways to do something: in theory and in application. Theory basically means practice, when you study, prepare, and work for something. Application is when practice is put to the test. In theory, everything works. It application, it's much different. Things happen, mistakes occur, and life doesn't always work. The leap to application seems broad, often too broad for us to hurdle. But the definitive factor that separates the truly successful from the rest is application. In theory, you can accomplish anything. In application, you can learn anything. Application is not a means of perfection, but it's a means of working towards perfection. Great inventor Thomas Edison struggled to make the light bulb at first, failing hundreds of times. When asked about these failures, he replied: I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that wil