
Showing posts from June, 2015


Before leaving for my mission, I spoke in Church on the topic of "Preparing to Serve a Mission for Christ." --- Hello, my name is Brian Richards, and I am leaving this Tuesday two years. I will be in the Santiago, Chile Missionary Training Center for six weeks, and then serving in the Chile Rancagua mission (which is about an hour south of Santiago).             A mission is a big commitment. Those who decide to serve a mission are basically giving 18 or 24 months of their time to God. Referring to missions, Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said “That time is the Lord’s. [Missionaries] devote their skills and talents full-time to help build His kingdom. When missionaries think that way, they don’t have trouble following the mission rules.” A mission is not a vacation or social event; it is an obligation we are fulfilling to preach the gospel around the world. When we give our time to God, He will bless us with success. However, giving ou