
Showing posts from 2018

Belief & Knowledge

I think it is safe to say that everyone has nagging thoughts in the back of their mind of exciting or useful things that they should finally get around to doing. Maybe you frequently think about getting back into an old hobby, trying a new sport, or getting to know a certain person. In the two-and-a-half years that I've lived in Utah, one of my lingering desires has been to get out and see more of the beautiful nature that we have here. There are always lots of excuses not to (e.g., school), but somehow last weekend worked out perfectly for some friends and I to travel down and see Arches and Canyonlands National Parks near Moab, Utah. It was an awesome weekend with great friends, and the landscapes were beautiful to see in person. Arches National Park was definitely a must-see on my mental list of things to do and places to visit. Any visual reference to Utah you have seen probably includes a depiction of the famous Delicate Arch. When you drive into Utah on the interstate or

Be Great!

If you know me, you probably know that I love most sports. I could easily spend all day watching football, soccer, basketball, or most other sports (probably not baseball, sorry). I love the action of the games, but I also enjoy learning about athletes who excel as people and stand out as strong role models. One such athlete for me has been Chad Lewis, who was a tight end for BYU and the Philadelphia Eagles. I don't think I ever actually watched him played (he retired from football in 2005), but many years ago I read his memoir, Surround Yourself With Greatness . The details of the book have mostly faded from memory, but the message has recently been impressed on my mind: to be your best self, you must surround yourself with greatness. This advice carries several different meanings. First off, we must fill our time and our efforts with great things. We can't expect to shine if we waste our time doing things with no real value. We should actively be pursuing our goals and dre