
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Christmas Reason

To catch the real meaning of the “spirit of Christmas,” we need only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the “Spirit of Christ.” -Thomas S. Monson Welcome to the biggest holiday of the year, which the entire kid calendar revolves around. It's approximately 7:57 now, so surely you've ripped the wrappings off of several presents, and stuffed yourself with ham- or some other pork product. The gifts have probably been plugged in, powered up, or turned on. Let the games begin. But through all of this, one can feel an unmistakable giddy feeling. It's something more than the giddiness of a new toy. It's a sense of unity and brotherhood with all those around us, including our older brother Jesus Christ. Over two  millennia  ago, our Eternal Father sent down the greatest gift ever received by the world. A gift to all men, the tall and the small, the black and the white, male and female. Born in the most humble circumstances was the King of Kings, the very Savior of the worl


"In this battle between good and evil, you cannot play for the adversary whenever temptation comes along and then expect to suit up for the Savior at temple and mission time as if nothing has happened. That, my young friends, you cannot do. God will not be mocked." -Jeffery R. Holland Welcome to the information age. Thousands of things are competing for your attention every second, and often the most demoralizing are made to appear as the greatest. It seems as if the world's views are a complete opposite of those that are found securely in "For the Strength of Youth" or Scriptures. The tried and true principles of the Church that lead to happiness in this life and the next, are often shunned and treated as silly laws that have no merit in an ever-changing world. You are being raised in enemy territory, and often the battlegrounds are found in school and online. In either of these places, one cane be whoever they want to be without any trustworthy adult figure

Be Happy

What's the deal with teenagers? How come we have some pre-conceived notion that life is a bitter place? Why do we seek out relationships at such a young age that will almost surely end in heartbreak? Why do we glorify the imperfections of others, and try to hide our own? Why is life seen as an unfair place and that they're is no hope? Why are grades the only factor of success or failure? Why can't everyone just be happy? We all have genuine trials and hardships, but we also all have something to be thankful for. We have the Supreme Creator of the universe cheering us on. We have people that love us. We have the opportunity to live in the most advanced time of history. But when it all comes down to it, it seems all of us succumb to sorrow. Seek out the good in life! Glorify the greatest aspects of yourself and others. Be kind and chivalrous to everyone you meet. Remember that one bad grade on a test isn't going to ruin your whole life. Life really isn't such a bad pl