The Christmas Reason

To catch the real meaning of the “spirit of Christmas,” we need only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the “Spirit of Christ.” -Thomas S. Monson

Welcome to the biggest holiday of the year, which the entire kid calendar revolves around. It's approximately 7:57 now, so surely you've ripped the wrappings off of several presents, and stuffed yourself with ham- or some other pork product. The gifts have probably been plugged in, powered up, or turned on. Let the games begin. But through all of this, one can feel an unmistakable giddy feeling. It's something more than the giddiness of a new toy. It's a sense of unity and brotherhood with all those around us, including our older brother Jesus Christ. Over two millennia ago, our Eternal Father sent down the greatest gift ever received by the world. A gift to all men, the tall and the small, the black and the white, male and female. Born in the most humble circumstances was the King of Kings, the very Savior of the world. At this Christmas season, it would do us all a little good to reflect on who Christ really is.  To study His life and mirror His actions. He walked through this world perfectly, without a sin or blemish upon Him. Although we have and will make mistakes, He hung on the cross for us and we can repent for our sins. All because He came to this earth. "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store... maybe Christmas is something much more" (Dr. Suess). "Although gifts are nice, we probably already have everything we ever wished for" (one of those Publix commercials). God gave His only begotten son, who gave His life and set an example for us. Follow the way of Christ, and you shall never go astray. Carry the Spirit of Christmas with you throughout the whole year. Merry Christmas.


  1. hi... i saw your blog on the awesome mormon's secret society of awesomeness and i this article is really well written
    that is all :)


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