Life IS Fair

You've probably heard the saying "Life isn't fair" countless times in your life. But I'm here to say that life IS fair. Before you stop reading and report me to a mental asylum, read on. Obviously, we all get trials in life. Some people get greater trials than others. But no matter what the trial, it is fair. Because if Heavenly Father places a trial before you, it's because He knows that you will be able to overcome it. And it's up to you to make the effort and overcome it. You can't just hope for the problem to be solved, or for the tribulation to go away. You actually have to make the effort to overcome that trial. How so? Fight. Not literally, but center your will around the idea to never give up. There are great things in store in the future, if you live the way you should today. So never give up, no matter how daunting a task may seem. Because an amount of pain now will be worth it in the long run. And that is why life is fair, because we actually have "a long run". We didn't come to this earth to go through mindless trials and then be buried six feet under. We came to live this life, so we can have a glorious next life. Because of Christ's sacrifice for us, life is fair. And to live this life is not to suffer, we have been blessed immensely. Just the fact that you are a living being with millions of complex processes occurring inside right now is a miracle. Along with that, there are people that love you and care for you. And if you think that no one cares for you, start caring for someone else and they will care for you. All the blessings we have and the immense joy that comes from the Gospel makes me so happy. And that's because I choose to be happy, no one can make me sad, no one can get me down. It's all my choice. And it's your choice too, so make the right decision.


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