Back to the Races

And we're back. Three months of fun and now it's done. Well technically I don't start for another week, but most of you start school tomorrow, so yeah. Anyway, as we head back to school, don't forget who you are. Don't forget that you're a child of God, and remember not to compromise your values for anyone. Always live up to your standards because if you can't even keep a promise to yourself, who can you trust? Strive to live with virtue and goodness in all that you do. Don't just try to fit in and be a cool kid, stand out and be yourself. You shouldn't care what anyone thinks about you as long as you're being the person that you want to be. Because if you're living up to what someone else then you're not really living. So as you head back to the races, be the best that you can be, learn the most that you can learn, and have the most fun that you can have. Good luck!


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