Love comes back when we take care of each other.

This blog is based on my life, and friends are really important to my life, so I like to mention my awesome friends who do awesome things. So I love to compliment my friends, because they are all just that cool. And when they become happy, I'm happy also. Anyway I wrote something cheesy on this girl's wall the other day, and she sent me the sweetest message ever. And that's because love comes back. If you're ever having one of those days where you simply hate everything, go out and compliment someone. It will make life so much better, your spirits will just be lifted while you're lifting someone else. So always make an effort to compliment and help others, it makes you so much happier. I guarantee it will. Just forget about yourself and start to work towards the happiness of others.
(Title from "Love Comes Back" by Stephanie Mabey Watch it here)


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