Summer 2011 :)

     Summer 2011 was definitely the best summer of my life. Most of my blog posts are inspirational, but this one is more about the amazing summer that I had. So much has happened that one blog post can't even begin to describe the best three months of my life. I've met so many new friends. I've felt the Spirit so strongly on multiple occasions. I've had amazing adventures. I've had heartbreaking lows. But through it all, I've become more of who I want to be. Maybe summer officially started on June 9th, but for me the adventure started in May. In May, I started to hang out more with these awesome kids from Church. I think it all started when we went to the park on one hot Saturday afternoon. Back then, some of them were just kids from Church. Now a lot of them have become my closest friends. We continued to do things almost every weekend before summer started. But with the start of summer brought something sad as well, a girl named Jada that I had known for all my life was moving away to Las Vegas. On June 9th, they began the adventure to their new home. So in the evening of June 8th I remember that Jada went to Jenna's house and  my best friend Sam came to my house. We attempted to Skype each other, but then Sam took my phone and called one of his old friends named Jake who had moved away to Nebraska. They talked for a while and Sam asked Jake if he wanted to meet the rest of us on Skype. To be honest, I was pretty reluctant to meet this kid. I was talking with my best friends and didn't want some stranger coming into the conversation. But now I am so glad that I could meet Jake, he really has become one of my best friends. And there was a probability that he would move to our area by the end of summer. After a few more conversations, Jake and I became fast friends. We have literally planned out our futures and we've smiled and laughed so hard at so many things. (Woot, Woot) And although the news came one August morning that he wouldn't be moving to our area, he is still one of my best friends and nothing can change that. Another kid who I met in the beginning of the summer was an investigator to the Church named Andres. This kid has so much swag. He is literally one of the coolest kids that I know, and he has so much faith. We grew to be close friends as he kept coming to Church. Now I'm proud to say that he was baptized tonight into the one and only true Church of God- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Spirit at his baptism was so strong, and I know he has so much faith and made the right decision.
     Anyway, as summer started to go on, I spent a lot of time with my friends. I grew close to some awesome kids who I didn't know as well before. Sam, Jenna, Brenna, Maddie, Andres, Jake, and many other people quickly became some of my best friends as we hung out more and more. Sam slept over at my house so much and we had some of the best times watching "Prison Break" and eating late night ice cream. Even though we're almost polar opposites in personality, he is definitely one of my best friends ever. I had known Jenna for a while before, but she was this kind of weird girl in the stake. And she still is, but now we're really close. She teases me about just about everything, but that's what makes her so awesome, she's unique. Another girl named Brenna, I didn't get to know until later in the summer. She is awesome and also a ballerina, you can't get much better then that. And she likes to give me a hard time about stuff when I slip up, but that's just her. One of my best friends ever is named Maddie. We talk a lot, like a lot, and she is so wonderful. She's fun to talk to and be around and just amazing in general. Another one of my best friends is named Ben, during the last week of summer I've done the craziest stuff with him. Hanging out with him always ends up being funny, even if we're just sitting around with nothing to do. And there are so many other amazing friends that I have. To write about them all would take such a long time, but I thank them all for being awesome.
     Anyway the summer continued on. On the 21st of June I was hanging out with Ben at his house. He was playing Mercenaries 2 on the PS3 and I was just sitting and watching. We were in one of those moods where everything was funny. But then Jenna called me and frantically told me that Jada was involved in a terrible car accident, and might not make it out alive. I said a prayer with Ben and his siblings, then I rode home quickly on my bike. Upon going on Facebook, the news was confirmed, Jada had died. It just didn't seem real. How could it happen? That night at mutual, the whole gym was silent. All the young men just sat on the stage crying. But somehow we all just got up. The basketball bounced again, laughter was heard, and somehow everything was just a bit better. It took a while, but everyone felt better eventually. We all realized that it's part of the plan and we'll see her again. And afterwards, there are so many blessings that can be seen.
     A few days after this tragedy, our Scout troop embarked on a week long trip to the mountains of North Carolina to go backpacking. The beauty up there is amazing, the nature is just so awesome. And hiking along the paths up to new heights is a lot of fun actually. Then of course, all the time spent hanging out and messing with my friends was amazing as well. It was so much fun.
   But a few weeks after high adventure, something even better happened. That was EFY. A whole week to spend time with kids of my faith doing fun and Spiritual stuff, it was amazing. On the first day, I was kind of bummed out. I barely knew anyone in my group, and I didn't spend much time with my amazing friends. But on Tuesday, it was totally different. I had an amazing time with my friends and met some new ones, and learned a lot of things. And on Tuesday as a bonus, there was a dance. And there was a cute girl that I finally got to dance with. Anyway, the rest of EFY was the most amazing week of my life. Having the time of my life hanging out with my friends one minute and feeling the Spirit so strongly the next. Just the whole experience was incredible, and I wish I was there longer. I can't even describe in words how amazing EFY was, literally the best week of my entire life.
     And in addition to this, I also went to a family reunion in Texas. I love my cousins and all their cute little kids. Walking in the pool with my cousin's kid on my back, eating Frosted Flakes that Alison bought me, playing werewolves with my older cousins, laughing as Gary made a million references to BYU, these are memories that I'll never forget. I love my family.
     And of course, one major thing that happened this summer was the start of this very blog. I figured I would start one and it was a hit, people seem to like it. But I wasn't the only one to start a blog. Many friends made one, but one of my favorites was made by my friend Brianna. It's always so uplifting and inspirational, I love it. Julio's blog is also amazing and very well written with a unique insight.
     When I look back on this summer I'll think of sleepovers with Sam, Skyping with Jake and Andres late at night, Jenna coming over after work, texting my best friend all day, an amazing EFY, new friends, new people, and the journey to becoming a better person. Because I might seem like a good kid, but without the influence of my friends, I would not be half the person that I am. So that's that, summer 2011 has been the best three months of my life, and now that it's back to school I know that I can remain a faithful Son of God and that my friends will always be there for me. Thanks guys.


  1. Awweeee Soooo good! Im gald you like my blog :D

  2. Glad I was able to be one of your EFY friends :) If only briefly, lol. Sad I wasn't able to hang out with you more.

  3. Yus I'm glad I could meet you too Anna, you're awesome :D gotta keep in touch a lot!


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