
Hola hola,

This week we have had a pretty good week. There have been ups and downs but we are working hard. We were about to put baptismal dates with 4 different people, which is always a positive moment, but already some of them are facing big challenges and doubting what they want to do. So yeah, the work goes up and goes down pretty quickly. But we are working hard.

One really cool guy that we found is Juan Carlos. He is 20 years old and actually lives in a nearby little town called Quilicura. But he works in Las Cabras during the week. We found him at his work, and he let us in twice this week to teach him a bit. At first he didnt seem too interested, and just like a normal person. But we started to ask him about his relationship with God and stuff and he told us that his grandpa died when he was a kid, and he hasnt been close to God since then. But he told us that he wants to be closer to him and wants to hear us. He is very sincere and accepted a baptismal date of June 11th. He is a really cool guy, and I hope we can help him out. His challenge will probably be going to church since he lives kind of far, but we will see what we can do.

So yeah, its been a pretty good week. Our branch is having some leadership problems, and I found a good scripture while thinking of that. In 1 Corithians 13:11 it says:

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as achild, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Deep I know. But it is important that we all be Christ-like and loving people. There is no reason to judge others and make big issues out of little differences. Be the kind of person that can work with all types of people.

Anyway, have a great week!

Elder Richards

​ Today we went to a cool river near a place called Puente Negro

​Elder Shumway and I


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