Subiendo el Cerro

Hola hola!

Its been another great week, but today was a particularly great day! So here in Las Cabras, theres just a giant hill right next to town. We have always kind of wanted to climb up, but never knew where to start. We were talking with a friend on Saturday, and he told us where the trailhead was, so we decided to go for it. We went with Elder Waters (my MTC companion) and Elder Vasquez (who I lived with in San Clemente) and climbed up the hill today! It was a super steep "trail" but it was way fun. The view from the top was incredible! We could see Las Cabras surrounded by crop fields and the valley on the other side full of other crops. It was super cool. We did a little barbecue on top and had a great day.

I would send pics but Im on a ghetto computer and I dont know if I trust putting my camera in.

Im always good for an analogy, so maybe our little hike can be an analogy. In life we have to enjoy the journey and remember our goal. It was a steep climb, but we wanted to see that view from the top (and start our barbecue so we could eat) so we kept going. But even though it was a tough climb, we had a fun time. In like we have challenges, but we need to still enjoy what we do. This week we have had some cool missionary experiences, but also some challenges with investigators. Despite that, we are pressing forward and making the best of it. This Saturday we hear about transfers, so my time may be ending in Las Cabras.

Anyway, hopefully that made some sense, and hopefully I can send some pictures.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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