We'll all Stand Together

We are the chosen generation, brought forth to the earth in this day to spread the Gospel. We are literally stakes of Zion, and representatives of God in our schools and communities. In some places of the world, faithful youth are few and far between. As the old addage goes, "United we stand, divided we fall." So as youth of the Church we need to be united. Divisions and cracks among peers only gives Satan more power over us. Believe me, I know the drama. I have best friends that are pulled apart. And they're still all my best friends, they're just separate now. I know that everyone has their reasons for these divisions, but I challenge everyone to let them go. I know that is really hard, it really is, but just try it. We can't afford to live separately. I'm not asking you to be best friends with everyone. I'm asking you to forgive and forget, so that we don't give the adversary any more power than he has now. And I know some of you have been really emotionally damaged. Just remember, the future is bright. Tomorrow will be a better day, and someday we all will have a happy ending. And just a disclaimer, this isn't directed to any single person, and isn't meant to offend anyone. It's more of a general caution.
(Title from "As Sisters in Zion")


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