There's hope for a bright tomorrow.

So since the EFY soundtrack is amazing, I decided to take a line from each of the songs and write about it. I already did this for the song "What Faith can Do" and now I'm writing about "We Believe".

Everyone has those days, where it seems like the whole world is against you and everything bad decided to happen within one 24-hour period. But those are just days, merely 24 hours. Think about it, you have eternity to live. So what does one bad day really matter? 24 hours, or 1440 minutes,  or 86,400 seconds vs. eternity. So really, if today gets you down, it's not the end of the world. Because tomorrow is a new day. The sun will rise and spread it's bright rays across the earth. And that's a guarantee. Because even if it was cloudy today, the sun will rise. So even if you had the worst day of your life, tomorrow can be better. Because we don't believe that life is shaped by one day, it's shaped by a lifetime of decisions and actions. You didn't become yourself in one day, so one bad day doesn't mean the rest of your life will be terrible. So whenever you are feeling bad, read your Scriptures, pray, and hope for the bright tomorrow.

(Title from "We Believe" by Sam Riddle )


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