
Okay, so I know that I have a lot of people to mention in my blog, but I'm procrastinating that. Oh the irony. One of the most important things we will ever have is time. But the only time you really have is right now. So what are you going to do with it? You could squander it doing something unimportant such as going on Facebook, or you could use it to develop your God given talents. Now of course, it's okay to participate in things such as Facebook or video games. They're not very important, but in moderation they are fun. But the use of our time should be focused on developing our talents and finding your purpose in life. The first part of this isn't too hard to tackle. To do this, you have to find out what you like to do. Try a variety of things such as writing ( :D ), drawing, singing, playing an instrument, playing sports, or anything else. Find one or two things that you are good at and passionate about, then follow these things. Work hard to become better and develop your talent. Having good talents could greatly bless the lives of yourself and others. Now back to how we should use our time, I also stated that we should find our purpose in life. How  are you supposed to do that? Well you can't just Google it and I don't think it's on Wikipedia. Actually dig deep and reflect on who you are and what you are supposed to be. Prayer and the obtaining of a patriarchal blessing can help in this. We might have specific purposes to fulfill in our own lives, but the purpose of all of our lives is to make it back to live with Him. Everything we do must be focused on that goal. So live righteously, repent fully, and strive to always be worthy of His presence. That is a great way to use your time.


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