The End Result

So there's this friend of mine, and she has been asking me so much to be mentioned in my blog, and now the opportunity has finally come. That's because her blog inspired me to write this post. In a recent post she mentioned something that really stood out to me. That was for us to live worthily at all times. The one overarching purpose for us to come into this world was to live righteously enough to enter into God's Kingdom again. Nothing else even matters. Why would you steal something when it undermines your quest for your salvation? Why would you ever take a sip of beer? Or a whiff of drugs? Or cheat on a test? Or steal music online? Why would you ever do any of these things if it is putting you farther from Heavenly Father? Committing sins won't even make you happy in this life and it certainly won't make you happy in the next life. There is absolutely no reason at all that you should commit sin. It will bring you heartbreak and sorrow in this life and the next. And being sorrowful is not fun. Being happy and living the Gospel is fun. But of course sometimes temptation gets the best of all of us and we commit sin. Even though my above words are quite harsh, a wrongful act isn't the end. That's because we are able to repent and start over again. So never let sin get the best of you, always stay on the right track.


  1. Ok so Its Bruanna, on Ashleys account... lol. OMG BRIAN <33333333333333 I seriously love this <3 sooo INSPIRATIONAL <3


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