
Showing posts from March, 2017

Despedida y Bienvenida

Hello hello, So it has been a while since my last Pday. Last Sunday was my last one in Recreo and it was sad to say goodbye after 10 months there. I had lots of experiences and came to love the members and the people. In the midst of my time there, Robbie sent me a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 51:17. This was the instruction of the Lord to the saints when they moved to Ohio. They were not sure how much time they would need to stay there, so there was some doubt about whether or not to plant and settle down: And the hour and the day is not given unto them,wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good. When I arrived to Recreo last may (!!) I didnt imagine being there 10 months. But I tried to continue working with patience and diligence for as long as I was called to be there, and I know the Lord blessed our efforts Anyway, now I am in Buin! It has been great to be here. Without all the office responsibilities, I feel like I am u

Los Jardines

Estimados, So it is actually going to happen, I am being transfered! After 7 changes here, I will be heading north to the Los Jardines branch in Buin with Elder Llavilla as a zone leader, most likely to finish the mission there. I was actually already companions with Elder Llavilla before in Las Cabras, so it is a bit surprising that we will be together again. He is a great missionary. I am excited to be a zone leader too. The zone leaders help train the missionaries and direct their efforts in order to have success. The Buin zone is the biggest zone of the mission with 24 missionaries, so hopefully it is not too overwhelming. And strangely enough I started my mission in the southernmost part (Talca) and kept heading north (Curicó, San Fernando, Rancagua) until the northernmost part (Buin). But that probably doesnt mean much if you dont know the geography of the sixth and seventh region of Chile (and surely none of you do). But anyway, I am excited for the change and I hope to serve we


Hola hola, So this week we hit the road a lot. On Wednesday we had to make an emergency trip to Santiago to bring a sister missionary to the airport to go home. She broke her arm last week in a bike accident, and was going to have an operation in Santiago, but somehow at the last minute all the plans got changed and she ended up going home to have the operation there. So we had to scramble to get a flight. At about 1 pm we were in contact via email with the flight agency, and they responded asking if we could get to the airport at 2:30 so she could make a 5:00 flight. Well, Santiago is 1 and a half hours away, but sure why not? We went for it and then the plans changed like three times again, but we finally got her up there (later than 2:30) without problem. The commissaries dropped us off at the airport with her and then they went to run some errands. From there we got her through customs and took a bus to the city and then the metro to meet up and eat a late lunch. In the office, you

El Arrepentimiento

Hello hello, We had a good week this week. Last week and next week are zone conferences across the mission. On Tuesday we attended the Rancagua zone conference and I really enjoyed the messages from President Harris and the assistants. One of the themes was talking with everyone, which is something we need to do as missionaries to be able to share the Gospel. But sometimes we do other things (buy groceries, ride a taxi, etc) and seem to forget about being missionaries. So we did some practices of various situations like that and had some funny results. Sometimes we are so preoccupied with sharing the gospel with people that we forget they are actually people. As missionaries we need to love everyone as children of God and take a genuine interest in them. When we do that, the Gospel comes off as something natural (which it is) and not a sales pitch. President Harris also spoke about repentance, which is central to the plan that God has for us. He posed an interesting question: Why does