
Showing posts from February, 2021

Step by Step

As you well know, 2020 was an interesting year. On top of the worldwide calamity that occurred, I also closed a chapter of my life as I graduated from BYU. Before the pandemic, I wasn't really sure what I would do after graduation. As the world stopped in March and throughout the following months, I didn't know what was next for me. But, I tried to trust in God and move forward. Life is still imperfect, but I've hit a milestone that has caused me to look back on 2020. This has all made me reflect on my experiences during the past year. Below I share some excerpts from my personal journal in italics, with commentary on the year that was. I hope that it helps you reflect on your year and whatever is ahead. --- January 26th, 2020: "So, I guess life is pretty good. I still don't know what is next after graduation, and I probably should be looking for a job, but I don't feel much urgency. I don't know if that is peace that things will just work out, or ignorance