
Here's a topic that you might be interested in: you. Because as a human being, your mind is almost defaulted to think about yourself first. To care about someone else often takes a conscious effort on our part, but for some people we automatically think about them first. If they've had a rough day, we let them tell their story. If they need help with something, it's like second nature to give them a hand. Those are the people we love. This past Tuesday we celebrated one of the most over-commercialized holidays of the year: Valentine's Day. But behind all the candy and gigantic stuffed teddy bears is the real reason for February 14th. It's a day to celebrate the people we love, not just your significant other, but your dearest friends and family members. It is times with these people, times like February 14th, where the desire to serve and love others is pretty strong. But what about all the rest of the time? What about those days where you are the one having a bad day? Then our minds seem to set back to default mode where we are the only thing that matters. But it is these times of trial that seem to define who we really are, when our true nature comes out. When we are swamped with tribulations and burdens of our own, do we take the time to lighten the burdens of someone else, even if it is just a little bit? It would do us all good to make a conscious effort to care for everyone around us. It seems like throughout the day there are glaring opportunities to serve someone else, but then those opportunities pass and when we have had no action, regret starts to bloom. If I may, I would like to challenge all of us to think less of our selves and think more of others. Help someone pick up their books, hold the door open for others, express thanks to someone else. Do something everyday that isn't about you.


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