
Showing posts from June, 2013


Well, I must be getting good when a friend (who's ten times smarter than myself) approaches me for a motivational blog post.  So yes, I just wrote about summer and I myself have completed all studying for the entire school year (finally), but some less fortunate, including said friend, have exams still to come. Therefore, more studying. Darn. So, yeah I'm about to write about studying. But, stay with me, it'll get better. This whole year, I've told myself that school wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to study. There's homework and then there's studying. Homework is easy enough to complete by doing a few problems or some project. But studying just kills your brain. I think maybe it's the amount of personal initiative that studying requires which carries its' difficulty. You can't just do every odd question on page 112, you have to sit down and review and read and whatever. Blah. But, life is not all about studying. And this blog i

Mormonism: The Basics- Introduction

For a special series coming soon. --- So yes, I am a Mormon. You've probably seen those ads on Youtube with cheery people saying things like "I write a blog, I want to be an engineer, and I'm a Mormon." Well maybe those Youtube ads have better stories than I do. Or perhaps you've had those guys in white shirts and ties with name tags knock on your door. And more likely than not if you're reading this, you know me (a Mormon). So, you've had some exposure to Mormonism, but really, what is a Mormon? What do we believe?  The name "Mormon" is actually a nickname for this misconceived Church. The official name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." Quite a mouthful to say, so often it is abbreviated as the LDS (Latter-Day Saint) Church, or referred to as the Mormon church. The term Mormon comes from "The Book of Mormon," which is a book of Scripture  recording the teachings and history of a group of Israelites th

This is our destination

     Thursday was really the last day of Junior year. It kind of snuck up on me. Most years, it's a big countdown- 20 days left, 19 days left, 18 days left, .... - but this year it kind of just happened. Even waking up this morning, it didn't feel like the last day of school. And even now it doesn't. It's been such a long, rigorous year and I feel like it's all just continuing on tomorrow and next week. But we're actually done.      The first day of this year was kind of odd, just like today. There wasn't a lot of fanfare. From the first hour of the day when Mrs. Gregor laid out the lesson plans for the next few weeks (with more assignments and quizzes than imaginable) till the closing bell in Calculus, it was a daunting day. I feel like "first days" in high school have never gone too well for me. I'm always a little introverted, forced out of the comfort of summer into new classes with new teachers, assignments, and different classmates, w