
Well, I must be getting good when a friend (who's ten times smarter than myself) approaches me for a motivational blog post. 

So yes, I just wrote about summer and I myself have completed all studying for the entire school year (finally), but some less fortunate, including said friend, have exams still to come. Therefore, more studying. Darn. So, yeah I'm about to write about studying. But, stay with me, it'll get better.

This whole year, I've told myself that school wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to study. There's homework and then there's studying. Homework is easy enough to complete by doing a few problems or some project. But studying just kills your brain. I think maybe it's the amount of personal initiative that studying requires which carries its' difficulty. You can't just do every odd question on page 112, you have to sit down and review and read and whatever. Blah.

But, life is not all about studying. And this blog is about life (generally). But one strain common through most of life is personal initiative. To do anything, you have to take some initiative. That can be easy for some things that you love to do and enjoy. For other tasks, its' difficult to do anything. In my humble 16 and 1/2 years, I've found the hardest part of doing anything is starting. Really buckling down and starting. Removing all distractions and working hard. Once that gets done, it's kind of amazing how much can happen.

If you're reading this while procrastinating finals, good luck for the next two days. You've worked hard for 278 days (since August 29th) and you've got less than 39 hours to go! Buckle down and study, then kick back and enjoy the next three months of summer. Good luck.


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