This is our destination

     Thursday was really the last day of Junior year. It kind of snuck up on me. Most years, it's a big countdown- 20 days left, 19 days left, 18 days left, .... - but this year it kind of just happened. Even waking up this morning, it didn't feel like the last day of school. And even now it doesn't. It's been such a long, rigorous year and I feel like it's all just continuing on tomorrow and next week. But we're actually done.

     The first day of this year was kind of odd, just like today. There wasn't a lot of fanfare. From the first hour of the day when Mrs. Gregor laid out the lesson plans for the next few weeks (with more assignments and quizzes than imaginable) till the closing bell in Calculus, it was a daunting day. I feel like "first days" in high school have never gone too well for me. I'm always a little introverted, forced out of the comfort of summer into new classes with new teachers, assignments, and different classmates, wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts for the first time in three months. But the show goes on, and the year continues. Everything new becomes familiar and the year isn't so bad, with new friends and new accomplishments. 

     And in a nerdy way, I'm proud that I've probably learned more this year than any other year. I like to complain about the fact that I have to take subjects like English and Spanish that will hardly be relevant to my future career, but I've really learned a lot of valuable information this year in all my classes, even if I learned most things while cramming the night before a big test.

     This year had a lot of highlights. The major one off the top of my head was getting to St. Louis for the FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship. This was a culmination of the last three years of work I've put into robotics and a stepping stone to the next year as I hope to go with the team to bigger goals. It was an awesome experience just to be there, let alone to be there with twenty something of the best kids I've spent time with this year. And, I've had many other accomplishments that I'm proud to have done in the past year.

     I'm thankful to everyone who I associated with this year. Even though to many I remained the introverted kid, you all made the year special, and to many others I grew comfortable with and formed strong friendships. Even if I just had one conversation with you, or you were in one of my classes, you probably made this year special in some way. Thanks.

     Wow, I sound like I'm graduating high school and moving away from everyone I've ever known. Who knows what I'll feel like next year at this time? But I'm excited for Senior year. I don't quite feel like I'm old enough to be a Senior, but it's happening, and I plan to enjoy every moment. Most years I don't feel ready to be moving on to the next grade, but I'm so ready to be a Senior. It's going to be the best year. Here's to a great year from the first day to the last.  Until then, have an awesome summer, thanks for making this year one of the best.

Title from "Destination" by Imagine Dragons


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