Sunday Blog-day

Hello again.

So, Sunday is officially my (hopefully) regular day of writing a blog post, now that I've gotten back to writing. These weekly posts could be about anything, as always, but hopefully include something about my week and what I gained from it, while at the same time refraining from being a "journal." Basically this paragraph just told you what everything has already been like anyway on the blog. Oh well, read on.

This post will probably sound contradictory from what I wrote last week, but that's okay. It's not! On Wednesday, I wrote about real intent. A nice term, surely, and hopefully something you can/will apply to your life because it can/will help your life. But, what's the limit of real intent? What's the line between work and play? Can we have real intent in both?

 In addition to having real intent in life for all our responsibilities, we also must have real intent in our relaxation. Well that just sounds stressful. Why would you intend anything while relaxing? Well, we need to make time to step away from our work and enjoy life. In the Book of Mormon, Nephi says "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). One of our principal purposes in life is to have joy. Our accolades and monetary achievements will mean next to nothing if we ignore the things that matter most. Put your life in a grander perspective, because the broad scope of it leads us to wonder. Our mortality is just a small glimpse of our entire existence.

Someday the problems we face today will seem so insignificant. That'll be a nice day. But for now, don't get too caught up in life to stop enjoying it. Find the things you love, and intend to do them well.

So here I am, one day telling you to intend great things and just a few days later telling you to relax. Basically, find how to incorporate both these ideals in your life. Some days you'll work extremely hard and not have time for anything else. Other days you'll relax and spend time doing other things. The key is to enjoy both of these days. Don't let life get you down when you're busy or when you make mistakes. Your existence has been intended to make you happy. Remember that intent, and follow it.

Maybe next week, I won't use the word intent so much in my post. But it's something important.


In other news, I went to the Temple yesterday. Not a Jewish temple (although it was Yom Kippur), but a Mormon temple! I've previously written an extensive post about Mormon temples and I invite you to read it, especially if you're wondering what that building on I-75 and Orange Road is. Hmm. Read it here:

Credit: Kenny Michaelis 9.10.13


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