San Clemente!

Hola from San Clemente!

I am now in my first area in the mission, San Clemente, Chile. It is a small town in the very southern part of the mission, about 30 minutes east of Talca. Our area is really big, and extends all the way to Argentina, but we don´t have a car so will be staying around the city mostly. Our branch is very small (like 8 people I think) so there will be a lot of work to do. Today was mostly spent traveling from Santiago. We stopped in Rancagua for the afternoon for mission orientation and such. Also, I am in a trio yet again! My companions are Elder Bustamante (from El  Paso, Texas) and Elder Izquierdo (from Peru). They are really funny, and great missionaries. I am excited to be working with them. Somehow I´ve managed to have a trio in the CCM, a trio with one elder and one hermana, and now a trio with trainers. Elder Izquierdo is going home after this transfer though.

This last week in the CCM was really great. We took the Micro and Metro to the Santiago Sur mission and did splits with the missionaries there. It was kind of intimidating, but we were able to talk to a lot of people and even get into one house to teach a lesson. It was a great experience. 

It was sad to leave the CCM and all my great friends and teachers, but I am excited to be here. Anyway, I will write more next Monday. Love and miss you all!

Elder Richards


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