
Showing posts from December, 2016

¡Feliz Navidad!

Hola hola, It is Christmas Eve! The weather for Plantation, FL is 82 degrees and in Rancagua, Chile it is 85 degrees, so this is a typical Christmas Eve for me. Meanwhile, my companion from Vermont and most of the other Americans are wondering where the snow is at. Next Tuesday we have changes, and I will be staying in the office and staying in Recreo for the 6th change in a row (the members are starting to wonder why I have been there for so long). But I will be getting a new companion, Elder Villegas from Colombia. I lived with him in my first change in Recreo, so I already know him well and we are excited to be working together. Also I will be the district leader of the office, which is kind of a new thing. President Harris wants us 6 office missionaries to be able to get out to our sectors more and share the gospel more with others, so I am supposed to help in that effort. I am excited and I know that we will be able to see a lot of success! This week a ton of my time got involved

Sois la luz del mundo

Hello, Merry Christmas! Well it is not Christmas quite yet, but we have been in the full swing of Christmas activity here. This week my companion and I participated in 3 Christmas conferences. He is a great piano player, so he accompanies the missionaries. I have discovered that I dont like practicing singing much, so I have filled my time doing other tasks while the missionaries practice. But I have participated in the performances and they have all been very special. This week we visited an old folks home and two rehab centers and had great experiences. It is special to see people as they feel Gods love for them for the first time in a long time. Other than that we went to Santiago yesterday and that was fun. Public transportation here is really great actually. We basically got directly from the Peruvian Consulate in the middle of Santiago to the doorstep of the mission office in the middle of Rancagua via metro and then bus. Pretty impressive.  Next week we will be working on some m

Conferencia de Navidad

Hola, Hope that you have all had a good week. It has been a good one here. This week the mission home hosted the first four Christmas conferences and they all went very well. In the conference the missionaries practice some musical numbers and then perform a small show at a local nursing home or rehab center. They also see the end of the year video that Elder Sawyer and I made and enjoy a Christmas lunch at the mission home of ham, potatoes, carrots, and candy cane cake. (It is pretty tasty, but we ending up eating that 3 times this week and will surely eat it a few more times...) The performances have gone great and the missionaries and old folks have really enjoyed it and felt a special spirit. We participated in a presentation at the hospital on Thursday and it went well. Not too much else has happened in the office this week. We are continually working on visas. Next weekend will start all the final events for the missionaries that are going home. And we drove up to Santia


Hello, It has been a crazy week here. I guess the stereotype for the Christmas season is being very busy all the time. I never really understood that before because when you are a kid it is probably the least busy time of year. But in the office we have had a lot to do! Starting next week we have zone conferences and we have prepared nursing homes for everyone to go sing to during the 8 conferences. Also we finished up our slideshow video recapping the year and it really turned out great. Elder Sawyer played a custom piano accompaniment and I hope all the missionaries enjoy it. Besides all of that we have had to jump through hoops here in Rancagua to get some visas done. My companion also somehow got the idea to buy an electronic piano and amp to use for the Christmas conferences so we spent some time researching and buying that. Add in a trip north to Santiago on Tuesday and a one night stay down south in Talca on Thursday and it has been a very busy week! But the true importance of C