Sois la luz del mundo


Merry Christmas! Well it is not Christmas quite yet, but we have been in the full swing of Christmas activity here. This week my companion and I participated in 3 Christmas conferences. He is a great piano player, so he accompanies the missionaries. I have discovered that I dont like practicing singing much, so I have filled my time doing other tasks while the missionaries practice. But I have participated in the performances and they have all been very special. This week we visited an old folks home and two rehab centers and had great experiences. It is special to see people as they feel Gods love for them for the first time in a long time.

Other than that we went to Santiago yesterday and that was fun. Public transportation here is really great actually. We basically got directly from the Peruvian Consulate in the middle of Santiago to the doorstep of the mission office in the middle of Rancagua via metro and then bus. Pretty impressive. 

Next week we will be working on some more visas (as usual) and helping out with two more Christmas presentations, one of which will be in the prison, which should be interesting.

Hope that you all have a great week and that you continue to light the world in this Christmas season.

Elder Richards


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