
Showing posts from January, 2017

Hacer muchas cosas de su propia voluntad

Estimados, Hello again. This week really flew by, it is hard to believe that it is Saturday again! It was a pretty good week with highs and lows, but I guess that is how most every week in the mission is. On Wednesday we watched a worldwide broadcast for all of the missionaries, and it was really great. They talked a lot about the doctrine of Christ: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. That is what we have to do in our lives, over and over. Sometimes in life we complicate things, when it really does not have to be so complicated. Have faith, correct yourself, and keep moving forward with guidance from God. In the broadcast they also made a big announcement of a change in the missionary schedule. Instead of our time being so strictly structured, they is now a lot more freedom to choose when and where we do the things we need to. Honestly it doesnt affect us too much in the office, because we already pretty much make our own schedule

Un Misionero de Éxito

Hola, Well it has been a very busy week here. Last Sunday we traveled to San Fernando to present the Open Chapel program to the mission presidency. The senior missionary in charge of that is going home, so the presidency will take over the program. We had zone conference in Rancagua on Tuesday. On Wednesday we traveled to San Fernando to eat lunch at their conference and then to Santa Cruz to present the Open Chapels to their district presidency. They are excited to start the program there. On Thursday we went to Santiago to apply for a replacement ID at the Argentinian Consulate for a sister missionary that lost hers. And yesterday we were able to stick around here in the office. Its been a busy week, and it went by very quickly. Lately I have been thinking about my mission and what it means to be a successful missionary. There really isnt much time left for me in Chile, and I think one of my biggest fears is that I will finish and feel like I didnt do everything I possibly c


Hola, Wow this week went by fast, it is hard to remember what actually happened.. It was a pretty good week though. Everything is going well in the office and we are actually finding ourselves with some extra free time so we are trying to innovate and make our job easier and simpler. Nothing too exciting, but it should help us out a lot in the long run. I am starting to get a bit tired of being in the same sector for such a long time. I really do like the ward, but I think I am just too used to how things have been here. But I am really thankful for my companion Elder Villegas. He is a really good missionary and is very excited to work with members and find people to teach. We are working hard and trying different methods to find people. We have been revisiting old investigators and are trying to working more with members and less actives, and the results have been promising so far. One of the things I have always seemed to focus on during my mission is finding people

Bueno, Mejor, Excelente

Hola, ¡Feliz año nuevo! Hope that you all enjoyed New Year´s and that your year has gotten off to a good start. Things are going well so far over here in 2017. This year will definitely bring a lot of change in my life. Last year I spent the entire year in another continent and tied a tie every day of the year.. In 2017 I will finish the mission and go back to school. Wow. But there is still lots to be done here. We started 2017 well in the office by having our first district class! I taught and we talked about the problems we are facing in our district and made goals and plans (as missionaries always do..). It went really well and I think it was what we needed to learn, even though it wasnt exactly what I had planned to teach. Tomorrow we have class again and I will be talking about conversion and being witnesses of Christ at all times (Mosiah 18:9). I really like teaching, so I am glad to be able to do so again. So I am now in my 6th transfer in Recreo and it is starting to wear down