Un Misionero de Éxito


Well it has been a very busy week here. Last Sunday we traveled to San Fernando to present the Open Chapel program to the mission presidency. The senior missionary in charge of that is going home, so the presidency will take over the program. We had zone conference in Rancagua on Tuesday. On Wednesday we traveled to San Fernando to eat lunch at their conference and then to Santa Cruz to present the Open Chapels to their district presidency. They are excited to start the program there. On Thursday we went to Santiago to apply for a replacement ID at the Argentinian Consulate for a sister missionary that lost hers. And yesterday we were able to stick around here in the office. Its been a busy week, and it went by very quickly.

Lately I have been thinking about my mission and what it means to be a successful missionary. There really isnt much time left for me in Chile, and I think one of my biggest fears is that I will finish and feel like I didnt do everything I possibly could (perfectionist, yeah). I have been thinking about it, and the key is to consecrate ourselves and to give everything to the Lord. For this short time I am called to invite everybody to come unto Christ, so I need to use all of the time I have to do so. It is a hard thing to achieve, but it is necessary.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? - Matthew 16:25-26

It is kind of strange concept, but the more we give to God, the more He blesses us. True success comes when we follow His will, which in the end is always the best path for us.

Elder Richards 


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