Bueno, Mejor, Excelente


¡Feliz año nuevo! Hope that you all enjoyed New Year´s and that your year has gotten off to a good start. Things are going well so far over here in 2017. This year will definitely bring a lot of change in my life. Last year I spent the entire year in another continent and tied a tie every day of the year.. In 2017 I will finish the mission and go back to school. Wow.

But there is still lots to be done here. We started 2017 well in the office by having our first district class! I taught and we talked about the problems we are facing in our district and made goals and plans (as missionaries always do..). It went really well and I think it was what we needed to learn, even though it wasnt exactly what I had planned to teach. Tomorrow we have class again and I will be talking about conversion and being witnesses of Christ at all times (Mosiah 18:9). I really like teaching, so I am glad to be able to do so again.

So I am now in my 6th transfer in Recreo and it is starting to wear down on me. It is a great place, but I feel like a separation has grown between us and the members and that I have talked to every single person that lives here (both assumptions being a bit of an exaggeration). But for some reason I am still here, and I really want to have success. My companion and I decided we are going to look for less active members and try to find teaching opportunities from them. I think we will be able to have success through that method.

The title of my email is from a talk titled "Good, Better, Best" by Elder Oaks. Even though he gave that talk in 2007, I have always remembered it. I shared a copy of it with the district, because it really applies to us. We could literally always find something to do in the office if we tried. But just because there is something to do doesnt mean that it is the BEST thing to do. In life we need to prioritize and always figure out what the best thing we can be doing is. Here is a quote:

We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives.

So in this new year, I invite you all to find the best things and to do them. Maybe you wont be able to finish all the good things you want to, but if you can do the best things, you will be satisfied. 

Elder Richards

​We went to Santiago this week for some visa stuff, and stopped by to see the Temple


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