
Showing posts from January, 2012

Who do you serve?

In Joshua's final sermon to the Children of Israel, he counciled "choose you this day whom ye will serve."  Throughout Israel's exodus from the land of Egypt, the people had difficulty following the Lord at all times. This wavering of service to the Lord can be seen from the time that Moses came down from Mount Sinai to find his people worshipping a golden calf. In Matthew 22:37-38, the Lord councils that the "first and great commandment" is to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." But what does it mean to love God? John 3:16 states that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son." This popular Scripture, oft quoted by Broncos miracle-maker Tim Tebow, reveals a little bit about the love God expects us to give. God gave up His most prized possession for us. Similarly, we must give up our most prized possessions for Him. Are the relationships you have bringing  you closer to Heavenly Father or are they filled with lus...


Sometimes a weird complex presents itself in our brain. Whenever someone explicitly tells you not to do something, a strong urge to do that very act takes hold. My older brother, who happened to take AP Psychology, labeled this as "teenage butt-headness" or the more proper term "reverse psychology." For example, when you tell a little kid not to eat any more cookies, a craving for cookies sweeps over him. But why does that continue to apply to us today? It seems as teens if we are told not to date before the age of 16, that suddenly becomes very tempting. Or if we are told to keep the Sabbath day holy, then we feel like that is such a great burden that cannot be carried. Why do our minds work this way? Well, it's all about our mindset. When a rule without a seeming reason is placed before us, we wish to reject it. Going back to the example of telling a little kid to not eat a cookie, he doesn't really understand why he can't have another cookie. Health i...

Trust in the Lord

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6 In 1856, the Willie and Martin handcart companies set across the United States on the journey to Zion. These faithful saints were limited to 17 pounds of supplies a person, and severely rationed on food. Their commencement of the trek was in the middle of July, and following the coming months, winter struck harshly. Life seemed difficult, and food was severely limited, but these faithful pioneers journeyed on. Eventually these pioneers made it to the Salt Lake Valley, their ultimate destination. Many were lost along the way, but the members of the handcart companies stayed faithful to the Lord and trusted in His direction. Often times in life, we are asked to do big things. Many of the most important decisions we will ever make in our life are made before the age of 25. By that time, we've basically defined ...

It's a New Year

This is probably the most cliché time of year. People make wild resolutions that usual concern weight loss or knowledge or something. But then two or three weeks later, the resolutions get pushed away and life goes back to normal. But this year for some reason, I'm feeling really motivated. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, January 1st is just another day. Seemingly no more important than February 3rd or November 16th or any other day of the year. You're probably going back to the same school or job this week to be with the same people, but take this opportunity to get a fresh start. As you throw away the calendars from 2011, throw away who you used to be. Many important things happened in 2011, so remember the things you need to, learn from your mistakes, and move on. Use this new year as a new start for your life. This all sounds good and motivational, but in all honesty by the time January 3rd or so rolls around, all motivation for a better life is lost in the races. So d...