Trust in the Lord

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

In 1856, the Willie and Martin handcart companies set across the United States on the journey to Zion. These faithful saints were limited to 17 pounds of supplies a person, and severely rationed on food. Their commencement of the trek was in the middle of July, and following the coming months, winter struck harshly. Life seemed difficult, and food was severely limited, but these faithful pioneers journeyed on. Eventually these pioneers made it to the Salt Lake Valley, their ultimate destination. Many were lost along the way, but the members of the handcart companies stayed faithful to the Lord and trusted in His direction.
Often times in life, we are asked to do big things. Many of the most important decisions we will ever make in our life are made before the age of 25. By that time, we've basically defined who we will be throughout the rest of our lives. Our character is shaped and we become the people we have shaped. When making important decisions in who you want to be in life, one needs a guiding influence. Many turn to the world and follow paths of darkness that lead no where. We must turn to the Lord and seek His influence in who we are to become. Because in ten years or so, popularity or coolness won't matter. It'll matter who you've become and where you are going. So trust in the Lord and lean not unto thy own understanding. His way is the only way to salvation. The pioneers trusted Him and were lead to the glorious blessings of heaven. We can attain the same if we trust Him.


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