Who do you serve?

In Joshua's final sermon to the Children of Israel, he counciled "choose you this day whom ye will serve."  Throughout Israel's exodus from the land of Egypt, the people had difficulty following the Lord at all times. This wavering of service to the Lord can be seen from the time that Moses came down from Mount Sinai to find his people worshipping a golden calf. In Matthew 22:37-38, the Lord councils that the "first and great commandment" is to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." But what does it mean to love God? John 3:16 states that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son." This popular Scripture, oft quoted by Broncos miracle-maker Tim Tebow, reveals a little bit about the love God expects us to give. God gave up His most prized possession for us. Similarly, we must give up our most prized possessions for Him. Are the relationships you have bringing  you closer to Heavenly Father or are they filled with lust, not love? Are you spending your time furthering the Lord's work or furthering into your Facebook new's feed? It would do good for all of us to look at what we do, and see if our actions really reflect a love of God. Is he first in our lives, or is he just an afterthought? Choose who you will serve today.


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