
Sometimes a weird complex presents itself in our brain. Whenever someone explicitly tells you not to do something, a strong urge to do that very act takes hold. My older brother, who happened to take AP Psychology, labeled this as "teenage butt-headness" or the more proper term "reverse psychology." For example, when you tell a little kid not to eat any more cookies, a craving for cookies sweeps over him. But why does that continue to apply to us today? It seems as teens if we are told not to date before the age of 16, that suddenly becomes very tempting. Or if we are told to keep the Sabbath day holy, then we feel like that is such a great burden that cannot be carried. Why do our minds work this way? Well, it's all about our mindset. When a rule without a seeming reason is placed before us, we wish to reject it. Going back to the example of telling a little kid to not eat a cookie, he doesn't really understand why he can't have another cookie. Health isn't a big issue in his mind, and cookies taste good after all right? Well the same thing happens when we are older. We know that a diet of only milk and cookies won't sustain our bodies, but it seems we don't know other things. When we hear a commandment or rule, often we don't know why that has been commanded of us. So what do we do? We need to learn of what we are to do. The Duty to God program for young men is laid out in the pattern of "Learn, Act, then Share." Any doctrinal issue can be applied this way. We must heed the counsel in Isaiah 1:17 to "Learn to do well," then apply our newfound knowledge. When we come across a commandment that seems more burdensome than blessing, it would do us good to find reason for that commandment. So find out why we do the things we do, it can't be that difficult. Then do what your supposed to do and share it with others. Once you find out the reason behind a commandment and you align God's will with your own, it becomes less of a burden. Suddenly, it becomes something you are okay with and actually want to do. So get over your "teenage butt-headness" and change your mindset to be aligned with God's. It will make your life so much happier.


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