
     "All the world is an empty canvas here before us."

     Well that's the end of that, isn't it? That's right folks, sophomore year is officially over. Quite unbelievable yes, but it is done. The year 2011-12 has seen a lot of change. Whether knowingly or not, everyone is changing, becoming who they want to be or who they try to be at least. A quick comparison of any current high school student to their sixth grade self would surely provoke many interesting contrasts. Maybe even quite a few continuities and changes over time. I can assure you, many of us would be appalled at how awkward we used to be. Three friends of mine decided to point out my such awkwardness by liking all my old Facebook posts, circa 2009.
     As we grow up, we become more intelligent and mature. We slowly refine ourselves to become more of who we want to be. Changes are made to reduce our "awkwardness." But really, our changes are not just a matter of social behavior, but also of who we are on the inside. Our failure to recognize a need for change is what inhibits our growth. For example, if I acted the way I did in middle school I might not have friends. But in a more real life application, if we continue to cling to our sins and misdoings that we know are wrong, then we will not progress. For progression, it would do us all good to set a goal. Ultimately, the goal is for us to get to Heaven and live with God again. But that's a pretty broad goal. Set yourself a goal to change something in your life. Without being critical, find one thing about yourself that you want to change, and then change it. Maybe there's a mistake you keep making. Replace it with something good. Maybe you want to be closer to Heavenly Father. You could pray everyday. If you want to be more social you could set the goal to talk to someone new every week or so.
     It doesn't really matter what you set out to do, but the key is to do it. Your summer can be more than 13 hour sleep days and countless hours spent on Netflix. You have a unique opportunity for the next three months. Nobody is telling you what to do. Instead of teachers dictating what you have to do, your schedule is now set by yourself. Paint the picture of yourself that you want for three months. Just do it.
     And you know what? Some days are great days to have fun too.

Have a great summer.


  1. I love summer! Have a great summer with lots of fun - friends and family.


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