Busy People

"Isn’t it true that we often get so busy? And, sad to say, we even wear our busyness as a badge of honor, as though being busy, by itself, was an accomplishment or sign of a superior life."
                        - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

     So how about that daylight savings time? An extra hour of sleep yesterday! Of course, it was originally intended to be an extra hour of work, but you know... sleep is nice and work isn't so nice.
     But sleep is often hard to come by. Waking up in the morning feels like waking up from an unusually long nap instead of a refreshing night of sleep. It seems like someday we'll be able to get a full night of sleep and we won't have so much work. Someday, you know, off in the future. So, wouldn't it be easy to just be happy then? After all, we're so busy doing important things now.
     Happiness however, is not a destination waiting along the bend. It doesn't come only at the end of AP exams, or the end of the SAT, or something like that. Of course, those can be happy days, but happiness lies in the journey as well! I was eating dinner with some friends a few weeks ago, and I remarked, "Well, people annoy me." Taken out of context, that sounds pretty harsh. Well it sounds pretty harsh in any context I suppose... But the reason I said that is that some people just go through each day without an ounce of happiness or joy! They stress and stress and just drag everyone else down. Of course, stress is normal for big tests or projects, but it takes a wrong turn when it becomes all-consuming.
    So take joy in what you do each day. Maybe sitting through history class or writing an english paper won't bring you mountains of joy, but enjoy the little moments. Enjoy being with friends and family, and having the opportunity to do the things you do. Don't look back on high school- or on life eventually- wishing you would have done things differently. Take charge of what you do and do what you love.
    So really... just don't be annoying to me! Just kidding. People are great. But hopefully you think that yourself and the people around you are great too! Life is good. It's stressful and tiring, but there are lots of good things about it. Accentuate the good things and attenuate the negative things. Look at that, even having fun with SAT vocabulary in the last sentence. Have a good week.


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