
There's an oft-quoted question, "If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"So basically, if video of your life were to be put on screen in a courtroom, would they be able to tell who you say you are?

Today is a day of thanks. And by scrolling through Facebook, being with family, and many other activities we can quickly tell what everyone else is thankful for. We also have opportunities to say what we are thankful for. Pretty simple concept.

So what about tomorrow? We'll always be thankful for our friends, families, food, clothes, and whatever. But will we always show it? If someone sees us on April 3rd or June 17th, will it be obvious what we're thankful for? Or will we be pessimistic and complaining?

Be thankful everyday, and show it everyday. Don't ever take life for granted, because before you know it the things you have will be gone. You'll be off pursuing other things in life, and wishing you had those little things -or big things- you had.

So give thanks everyday.


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