"I , Nephi..."

A look at the most often-read, yet least understood verse

"I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days." -1 Nephi 1:1
The Book of Mormon begins with this seemingly simple anecdote from Nephi recounting his youthly circumstances. Nearly anyone in the Church could recite the first line from memory due to its prominent nature as the first verse of a book central to our religion. However, the oft-cited nature does not carry much doctrinal significance for readers. For most, this is an unessential introduction, but if we dig deeper it stands as a symbol of the entire Book of Mormon's message.

In the first line, Nephi uses a key word, "therefore," indicating a cause and effect relationship between "being born of goodly parents" and learning "somewhat" all that they know. He uses another joining word later, "nevertheless," showing a cause and counter-effect situation between facing many trials, yet being favored of God. He again uses "therefore" to report the reason for creating his record.

These three words link many ideas that bring a broader meaning to the verse, and make it a symbol of God's Plan of Salvation. Just as Nephi learned from his earthly parents, we all had a Heavenly Mother and Father who taught us before our time on the earth. We were given the choice of mortality. We all knew that this would bring the challenges that we face in our lives, but that God would always love us. Nephi's introductory verse, and writings as a whole, can show us the significance of God's eternal plan of happiness. As Nephi learned these things and wrote them for our benefit, we also must share what the truths we learn.

I know the Book of Mormon is a true book, and I am grateful for my chance to study it. Anyone who reads it and prays about it sincerely will know of its truth as well. I know that God has a plan of happiness for all of us, which can lead us back to Him forever. 


This post is part of a new weekly series I will be writing as part of my Book of Mormon (REL A 121) class at Brigham Young University. I invite you to read each week and study the book on your own as well.


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