"From time to time"

Keeping the commandments without knowing everything

 "And it came to pass that they did worship the Lord, and did go forth with me; and we did work timbers of curious workmanship. And the Lord did show me from time to time after what manner I should work the timbers of the ship." - 1 Nephi 17:1
After reaching the shores, Lehi's family needed a way to cross the ocean between them and the waiting promised land. In chapter 17, the Lord had commanded Nephi to build a ship. In the beginning of chapter 18, Nephi expands on this process. Nephi describes that he built the ship after the manner instructed by God, and not by man. He prayed "oft" to receive instruction and revelation (v. 3). The Lord showed him "from time to time" what he should do.

Could you imagine being instructed to build a boat to carry your family across the ocean? It seems ridiculous, and most of us wouldn't even know where to start. The task seems so incredibly large that it would be easiest to just not even begin. But the Lord is wise in commanding Nephi in sections. He did not give Nephi a textbook on how to build a boat, then leave him to it. The Lord guided Nephi by his side throughout the process. Similarly, Nephi did his part by valuing the Lord's help and praying frequently for it. In the end,  the ship was of "exceedingly fine" workmanship (v. 4).

Luckily, it is unlikely that any of us will ever have to build a boat. However, we are given spiritual and temporal tasks each day that seem insurmountable. It can be hard to resist temptation and do the right thing, we may have more homework than seems humanly possible. Whatever our circumstances, we will have difficult tasks to bear. The formula proven by Nephi in approaching these is to follow the Lord. He will guide us if we simply ask and turn to him in full trust.

When the posterity of Lehi arrived in the Americas, they further exhibited unconditional trust in the Lord by planting all of their seeds in the land. Because of this they were "blessed in abundance" (v. 24). If we give all to God, He will bless us in the same way.


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