The Plan

Who we can become through God's Plan

"Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness. Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness." - Alma 41:10
Last week I wrote about Alma speaking to his son Shiblon in one very short chapter. After this account, Alma speaks to his son Corianton, who had previously committed sexual sin, for a section of four chapters. Because of Corianton's actions, people often connotate these chapters with lessons of chastity and virtue, but that is not the case. Morality is an extremely important subject that can be instructed at length, but it is not the main topic of Alma's counsel.

Corianton knows the parameters of sin and transgression, as many readers of the Book of Mormon. Because of this, he does not need intense retribution from his father over a past mistake, which would only cause a sense of hopelessness or extreme pride. Alma spends less than 20 verses talking about the nature of the sin, and then turns to a grander topic as he discusses the Plan of Salvation.

The term "Plan of Salvation" is one of those Mormon phrases that most people probably don't know. Simply put, it is where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. Of course those are not implicitly simple questions, and they answer many related topics of justice, mercy, repentance, etc. The whole mechanics of the plan aren't all that important in this context of a short post, but the principles behind it are.

Alma lays out many of these simple principles in chapter 41 and 42. One of the main themes, as quoted above, is that "wickedness never was happiness." This succinct statement illustrates the fact that those who continue in sin and wrong-doing will not be able to enter heaven. However, we are all imperfect in varying ways, and thus all need the mercy of Jesus Christ. The central enabler of the plan is that Christ died for us and felt our pains and weaknesses, so that we can repent and gain forgiveness. Christ wants to- and has- helped us, all we have to do is turn to Him.

The Plan of Salvation is not only a roadmap to get somewhere, it is a manual to become something. Turn to Christ and Heavenly Father and forsake your sins. Gain forgiveness, and work toward being the best you can be. Alma knew his son messed up, but did not dwell on the incident. He counseled Corianton with eternal principles of hope and goodness that can apply to all of us.


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