Mi Cumpleaños!

Wow, yesterday was a birthday I won't forget!

It was actually a pretty great day. All my teachers and people in my district are so loving and kind. Hermana Doll gave me 6 of her famous home-made cookies, and those have been delicious. My morning teacher Hermana Jimenez wished me a happy birthday about 100 times. And it was one of the teacher's birthdays yesterday, so I got a slice of his cake!

But something really out of the ordinary that happened on my birthday was that I got a new companion. That normally doesn't happen until a transfer date (every six weeks) so it was pretty strange. One of the elders in our district had to be moved from our district, so they split up my trio companionship and put me with the lone elder. My new companion's name is Elder Nolan, and he is a great guy. He knew literally no Spanish before coming here, and has progressed a lot. He has a strong testimony, and I am excited to be working with him! I will miss working with Elder Waters and Elder Lima. Tonight I may also be changing roommates, because we get a new batch of missionaries tomorrow and they like to mix the new with the old. It's so weird that it has already been another two weeks here and we have another group coming! Today we had to say goodbye to all the leaving missionaries. I really respect all of them and will miss them, they'll do great.

Last P-Day was a really productive day. I got a haircut for 5000 pesos (and it actually looks better than most of the haircuts I get in the USA), Elder Waters fixed his watch, Elder Lima got a new watch, we bought food at Lider, I got dry-cleaning done, I bought new glasses, and ate a churrasco beef sandwich. So it was a pretty great day. At Lider (basically Wal-mart) I got some really good cookies called Kuky and Doritos. Those have been a good relief from the CCM food (but Doritos don't taste as good here, oh well).

This week has been really great in classes. I love all of my teachers, and I am sad that they will probably get changed to new teachers tomorrow. Hermano Pino (the soccer player) is so in-tune with the Scriptures and always knows what to say to us. Hermana Alegria and Hermana Jimenez are always so caring and so happy to be there. 

My district has really grown tight this week. We had a lot of special experiences together, and grew very close. I know I am supposed to be with all of them, and I love being with them.

Also, today Hermano Pino and Hermano Riutor (our old teacher) came to play soccer with us in the morning, which was so awesome! Hermano Pino is so good. I had a few good looks, but he was always right there to stop my shots. It was so cool to have them play with us, we really respect and love them a lot. 

It's hard to believe I have been out for a month! Now we are the old group here at the CCM. We are working hard these last two weeks, and ready to get out in the field after that.

Con cariño,

Elder Richards

​Hermano Pino (being a traitor with the Argentina jersey)

​Hermano Riutor (less of a traitor with Man U jersey)


  1. Hola Elder Richards, Me da mucho gusto saber de ti y sobre todo saber que estas muy bien y disfrutando mucho de tu mision. Saludos y que Nuestro Padre Celestial siempre te bendiga y proteja. Hermano Richard Mena. (Hollywood Ward)


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