Cambio Dos

Hola a todos,

Another good week in San Clemente! This week one of my companions Elder Izquierdo finished his mission and returned home Peru, and on Tuesday we got two more missionaries here! The new missionaries are Elder Miller (one year in the mission, previously in the office, from Utah) and Elder Vasquez (brand new missionary, from Peru). They are both really great and excited to work. We cover different parts of the city, but end up doing a lot of activities together and all live together. It has been fun to have more missionaries here, and we are all motivated to work even harder.

This week Elder Bustamante and I started to do a lot more door contacting. I can see that it is definitely not the most effective way to find people, but it is necessary. We found a few promising people, and hopefully can return to them. I feel like a true missionary when we are walking down a two lane road surrounded by fields to get to the next houses outside of town.

Our investigator Maria is doing super well and preparing to be baptised on October 10th. She has gone to Church twice and has a strong testimony of God and that He has a plan for all of us. She was previously Evangelic but through a series of events came into contact with us, and believes that is part of God´s plan. We are now trying to help her read the Book of Mormon and come to know that it is true. God really does have a plan for all of us (see 1 Nephi 9:6).

Also we had 82 people in sacrament meeting this week! In the past few weeks we´ve only had about 50, so this is an awesome change. I hope lots of people will attend General Conference this week. I am really excited to watch, we will be watching at the stake center in Talca. For those who don´t know, General Conference is an  LDS event that happens every 6 months where the Prophet and Apostles and Church leaders speak. It is really special and broadcasted to the whole world, where you can watch at 

Anyway it´s been a good week. I guess I´m not missing too much at home with the disappointing BYU and Dolphins results this week... Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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