Fria Agua

Hola hola!

This was a pretty good week. Things are going well here in San Clemente.

On Monday night we had a Noche de Hogar (family home evening) with Yohanna (a recent convert, along with her daughter) and her nonmember husband and kids. We showed a super old video "Las Familias Pueden ser Eternas" (that you could find on Youtube), and it went really well. I hope her husband and son will eventually be baptised so that their family can be together forever. Afterwards we had authentic tacos that my companion Elder Bustamante made. Everyone was amazed that a gringo like me was loading on the jalapeños. Chileans are super wimpy when it comes to spiciness, their aji is like water.... But anyway, it was a good night.

This week we also set 4 baptismal dates! One is with a lady that got our number (via, I think) and called us to come visit. She lives in Aurora and we have to take the micro to get out there. She is Evangelic and her son who lives in the US is a Mormon. We taught her about the Restoration and she came to church yesterday. She has a lot of faith, and hope that she can continue investigating the Church.

Another baptismal date is with Scarlet, who is 14 and her mom is a less active member. She really understood the Restoration and I hope she can pray about that.

The other two baptismal dates are with Eugenia and her 11 year old daughter Catalina. Eugenias other daughter Carolina was baptised last year and is less active so we have been going to visit her a lot. Recently Eugenia and Catalina have started coming to Church. We have visited them a lot and helped them with things like installing a printer and installing Firefox so they can use the internet on their super old computer. But anyway, last night we watched the Restoration video with all of them and then invited them to be baptised. They have a lot of faith too, and are really great.

Hopefully all of those baptismal dates hold, and we can work hard with other people too.

Today we played soccer on a turf field in Talca. It rained a lot in the morning, so it was more of a slip and slide. Oh also, our hot water heater broke this week (hence the email title), so taking showers is terrible. I already hated taking showers here (since our water heater didnt do much to begin with), but not it is really bad. Someone is coming to look at it tomorrow, so hopefully we can get it fixed.

This week I learned a lot about keeping the Sabbath day holy (in church and zone meeting and stuff). It really is important that we give that day to God, and it is a blessing to us. On the mission we are pretty much giving every day, but Sundays are important to especially dedicate to the right things. Some really good scriptures about this are Isaiah 58:13-14 and DyC 59:9-10,12,16

Anyway have a great week. Miss you all!

- Elder Richards


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