Laguna del Maule

Hey everyone,

I dont have much time to write, but today was an awesome p-day! We went with Marcos to the Cordillera and the Lago Colbun and Laguna del Maule. It was incredible and I have lots of awesome pictures. Near the Laguna there was still lots of snow, so we did all sorts of antics there. My companion Elder Chaves was super excited to see snow for the first time. I dont have a lot of time now, but I will send lots of pictures next week!

This week we also had a Christmas mission conference, which was fun. The big Church campaign for Christmas is #HaNacidoUnSalvador (or #ASaviorIsBorn) and we are sharing that with everyone. I invite you all to view the video at

Our numbers haven´t been that great recently, but we are trying to do better this week. It is the last week of the transfer, so next week I might be moving. This Sunday Anita is getting baptised and we are really excited for her.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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