Conferencia General

Hola hola!

It has been a great week, and of course a great weekend. This weekend we were in San Fernando all weekend to watch the General Conference broadcast there. Of course there was lots of junk food consumed (including suprisly good fast food milkshakes) and good times had (12 missionaries staying in one house), but more importantly there were a lot of amazing messages heard.

As I explained a bit last week, the General Conference is an event that happens twice a year where the Prophet, Apostles, and other leaders of the Church speak to all members of the Church (and all the world). There were many great talks, and I still havent processed all the things I heard. But an overarching theme that I saw was our divine heritage and potential. We are literally sons and daughters of God. Each of you has a Heavenly Father. Likewise, each of us has a Savior, Jesus Christ. He took ALL of our pains and sins and sufferings so that we can become better. We have the potential to reach perfection (not in this life, but the next) and become like our Heavenly Father. The available blessings are so much more that what we can imagine to reach by our own efforts.

One of my favorite talks was that of Bonnie L Oscarson. She talked about all the big claims we make as a church, such as being the restored Church of Christ with the unique authority to do the saving ordinances like baptism. She posed the question, "Do you really believe it?" She said  "It is a choice we make daily to choose faith over doubt." We really can believe and know and reach our potential. Watch the whole talk here.

Well that´s all for now. As for the sector, Jose Luis is working towards baptism on May 7th. Gonzalo is still having doubts but we invited him to watch conference and hopefully he found some answers.

Elder Richards 


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