
Showing posts from July, 2016


Hey there, So this week we were able to travel on Tuesday and Sunday for our assignment with Capillas Abiertas. On Tuesday night we traveled by bus to Talca to meet with the stake president and present this program. He was really touched by the Spirit and is really excited to start it, so he invited us back for Sunday to meet with all the Bishops in the stake. Yesterday we made that presentation and it went great. At the end lots of wards signed up to do the event in the next few months. From there we went to San Fernando and presented to the District Presidency. They are on board and are going to do their first event in September. Yesterday was a really fun trip because we were in a minivan with Elder Kemp and Elder Estrella (the secretaries) and Elder & Hermana Christiansen (a senior couple in the mission). Hermana Christiansen even brought us sandwiches and homemade cookies for the ride. It was like having a grandma on the mission haha. Well things are going well here. My compan

Capillas Abiertas

Hola hola, Hope you have all had a good week. I am here in Recreo with my new companion, Elder Schley. Well, he isnt very new since he finishes the mission and goes home in 4 more weeks. So I went from training a new missionary to finishing an old one. It is definitely very different, but we are working well together. He may or may not talk too much about what he will be doing at home in a few weeks, but we are still working hard :) Elder Schley was born in Kazikhstan (sp?) and at 12 years old, he was adopted and since then lives in the US. He is a good missionary. We have a special assignment this change that we are pretty excited about. The Church is starting a program in this area called Capillas Abiertas, which is an Open House program for all the chapels. Elder Schley and I are in charge of presenting this program to all the Stake/District Presidents over the next few weeks. So this week we had a few meetings with Presidente Harris and Elder Christiansen, a senior missionary. Tomo

De esta manera bautizaréis

Hola hola, Its been an eventful week here in Recreo. First and foremost, Carina was baptised this Saturday and confirmed yesterday! She is very happy and it was a really special experience. So she has an hernia in her spine that prevents her from being able to lean forward or backward, and causes a lot of pain. So that kind of complicates things for baptism, where you have to lean back in the water... But she was determined to take this step and be baptised. So we decided that both Elder Silva and I should be in the baptismal font to help her. Elder Silva did the baptism and I helped support her in going down and back up. It was definitely an interesting baptism. It was a really emotional moment after, because she was in a lot of pain, but also happy. Baptism and confirmation are ordained of God and brings us the remission of sins and the accompany of the Holy Ghost. Carina is such an example of faith, because even though she has this physical pain, she was willing and able to take thi

Un Año

Hola hola, Hope you have all had a great week. Life is going well here in Rancagua. Lots of big news this week. First of all I finally bought a Chile soccer jersey. Okay, sorry I guess thats not big news for any of you...  Something actually significant is that Presidente y Hermana Harris arrived this week! They showed up to our district class on their second day here, and Elder Silva and I even did a practice with Presidente. Pretty cool opportunity. We also had a special conference with them on Saturday and brief interviews. Presidente Harris is very excited to work and it will be interesting to see the changes he makes here. Another significant thing is that on Friday I hit one year in the mission. Whoa! Time flies very quickly and I can not believe that I am more than halfway done with the mission. I feel like a old and kind of experienced missionary, but at the same time, I have a year left. I am excited to have another year of opportunity to learn and grow. I know that this is th