Capillas Abiertas

Hola hola,

Hope you have all had a good week. I am here in Recreo with my new companion, Elder Schley. Well, he isnt very new since he finishes the mission and goes home in 4 more weeks. So I went from training a new missionary to finishing an old one. It is definitely very different, but we are working well together. He may or may not talk too much about what he will be doing at home in a few weeks, but we are still working hard :) Elder Schley was born in Kazikhstan (sp?) and at 12 years old, he was adopted and since then lives in the US. He is a good missionary.

We have a special assignment this change that we are pretty excited about. The Church is starting a program in this area called Capillas Abiertas, which is an Open House program for all the chapels. Elder Schley and I are in charge of presenting this program to all the Stake/District Presidents over the next few weeks. So this week we had a few meetings with Presidente Harris and Elder Christiansen, a senior missionary. Tomorrow we will be traveling to Talca to present this, and we will be traveling to the other stakes soon. We are pretty excited. 

As for the sector it is going well. Carina is doing very well, and actually improving in health thanks to some treatment. We have another good investigator named Ricardo who went to Church yesterday and might be able to get baptised in a few weeks.

Well have a great week!

Elder Richards


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