Un Año

Hola hola,

Hope you have all had a great week. Life is going well here in Rancagua. Lots of big news this week.

First of all I finally bought a Chile soccer jersey. Okay, sorry I guess thats not big news for any of you... 

Something actually significant is that Presidente y Hermana Harris arrived this week! They showed up to our district class on their second day here, and Elder Silva and I even did a practice with Presidente. Pretty cool opportunity. We also had a special conference with them on Saturday and brief interviews. Presidente Harris is very excited to work and it will be interesting to see the changes he makes here.

Another significant thing is that on Friday I hit one year in the mission. Whoa! Time flies very quickly and I can not believe that I am more than halfway done with the mission. I feel like a old and kind of experienced missionary, but at the same time, I have a year left. I am excited to have another year of opportunity to learn and grow. I know that this is the Gods work and that we are doing His will here. Sometimes it is really weird to be almost completely unplugged from the world. But I know that my little sacrifice of two years will bless so many people if I give all of my "heart, might, mind, and strength." This can be hard work, but I know my little efforts can someday go a long way. In D&C 4:4 it says:

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo,he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

Well I hope I can work in the next year with even more effort and dedication.

But the most exciting news this week is that Karina is going to be baptised this Saturday (happy birthday James and Grandpa)!! She has had a baptismal date for July 9th for a while, but we werent too sure about it. But she has been seeing answers that she should be baptised and is commited for this Saturday! We had a great lesson with her last Thursday when she said that she was going to be baptised for sure. Of course that made us very happy, but also made me really nervous because there is a lot to do before Saturday. But we are moving along and it looks like everything should go well!

Have a great week! We will have a great week here :)

Elder Richards


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