
Hey there,

So this week we were able to travel on Tuesday and Sunday for our assignment with Capillas Abiertas. On Tuesday night we traveled by bus to Talca to meet with the stake president and present this program. He was really touched by the Spirit and is really excited to start it, so he invited us back for Sunday to meet with all the Bishops in the stake. Yesterday we made that presentation and it went great. At the end lots of wards signed up to do the event in the next few months. From there we went to San Fernando and presented to the District Presidency. They are on board and are going to do their first event in September.

Yesterday was a really fun trip because we were in a minivan with Elder Kemp and Elder Estrella (the secretaries) and Elder & Hermana Christiansen (a senior couple in the mission). Hermana Christiansen even brought us sandwiches and homemade cookies for the ride. It was like having a grandma on the mission haha.

Well things are going well here. My companion is slowing getting lazier and lazier towards the end of his mission. Hopefully we can keep the work up. This morning he cut my hair, so I trust him enough to at least do that haha.

Anyway have a great week!

Elder Richards


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