
Yet again, it has been way too long since I have last written. (I'm sure that no one else has noticed, but for me it has been too long). For the past few months I have been back at BYU, and things have been going pretty well here. It certainly has been an adjustment, since I had previously been living a completely different lifestyle for the past two years as a missionary. Additionally, I am not from this part of the country and I have lots of questions regarding life and the future. I think that new situations like this can be overwhelming for most of us. Life does not seem so hard when we have everything figured out, but change and uncertainty often invoke strong emotions. Depending on how we choose to react, we may end up feeling overwhelming eagerness and optimism, or crippling negativity and doubt, or something in between. This spectrum not only applies to monumental occasions of our lives, but also to the many personal anxieties that we might face each day.

How can we avoid feeling burdened by anxiety in our daily life? There are many commentaries regarding this subject from professional and spiritual sources, and each person has a unique situation. (Some will need professional help in coping with anxiety or stress, and that is a viable and important solution).  I am not an expert on the subject, but for the past few months I have been learning a very important lesson about how we see ourselves in challenging situations. I believe that a key to cultivating optimism and fulfilling our righteous desires in any circumstances is to avoid labeling ourselves.

For example, meeting new people is something that has potential to cause stress and anxiety in my life (and I am probably not the only one who feels this way). When it comes to one's ability to socialize and get to know others, we often classify people as introverts or extroverts. That is, an introvert couldn't start a conversation with a stranger to save their life, and an extrovert could unwittingly charm any person in any situation. I don't claim to be a psychologist or to understand the intricacies or exact definitions of these labels, but I use them as an example based on how we generally view "introverts" and "extroverts."

In this example, I could potentially label myself as an introvert, because I very often do not feel comfortable getting to know new people or forming real friendships. Yet, I also consider myself as someone who really loves and needs social interaction. Since getting to know new people can be daunting, I could tell myself that I am simply an introvert, and it is just not possible. But by telling myself that, I could deprive myself of things that I actually want and need. 

Now that you have heard way too much about me in a long-winded example, I will get to the point. When we label ourselves, we limit ourselves. Maybe you see yourself as a certain type of person; perhaps you think you don't fit in somewhere or you can't achieve something, just because of who you are. If I were to constantly tell myself, "Oh, I am just an introvert and I am not good at getting to know new people, so I won't try," then I would never become better! If you tell yourself that you can't do something, then you probably won't. When you are faced with a potentially discouraging situation, don't count yourself out without even trying! We all have tendencies to act a certain way, but we also all have the ability to improve ourselves and step outside of our comfort zone.

I know that the most defining characteristic of each and every person on this earth is that of being a child of God. You have a divine potential and loving heavenly parents who want the best for you. "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). Whatever labels you have put on yourself or have had put upon you, know that you are more. You don't have to be defined by your own preconceived self-image. Trust in God and in His vision, and you will ultimately become who you truly want to be. I know that to be true, and I promise that to you.

So basically, just be happy and be your best self. Each of you has many people that will lovingly help you along the way. As you become your best self, you will see labels slip away and you will feel increased self-worth and love towards others.


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