What is a Friend?

What is a friend? In the world today it seems like everyone is your friend. You can just add them on Facebook and then you're instantly friends. But out of the 6,000 friends you have on Facebook, I doubt that your friends with all of them in real life. So if those 6,000 people aren't your friends, then what is a friend? Well the dictionary defines it as "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection". So is that a friend? Still that doesn't seem to fit the definition. A friend is someone who will always stand by you. Whether you are sad, happy, or whatever a friend will always be there to stand by your side. Also a friend won't get mad at you, no matter what. Friends are inseparable, they could throw shaving cream at your face, but your wouldn't even care. So really a friend is someone who you can always rely on to always be there for you. This is the ideal definition and not all friendships are perfect, but no matter what happens this is what a friendship should come back to in the end.


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