Why Work?

Why is the human body inclined to work? Why do we do things that cause us to appear beet red and make our legs feel stiff stale as logs? Well a variety of reasons come to mind. One could be to show off to others to show what you actually can do. But what if no one is watching? Well then it could be about showing off to yourself and proving you can do it. Another huge reason may just be to stay active. It sounds obvious when you say it that way, but that's really a big reason of why people work. It's almost human nature to sit around at home and check up on your Facebook all day long, accomplishing nothing at all! Isn't it so much easier to just sit around and do nothing? Well guess what, human nature doesn't apply to you. This body may want you to not do anything, but inside is a spirit that is created by God. With this spirit, the possibilities of what you could do are endless, but that's only if you do them. So to work is to fight against human nature, and to be active! Because if your not active, your inactive. And you know what happens to inactive people- the missionaries show up at their door early on Saturday morning. You're supposed to laugh now....


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